Constant initialization for shape-castable objects


Add an extension point to shape-castable objects, for converting constant initializers (typically Python literals) to Amaranth constant expressions.


RFC 1 specifies that the reset= argument of a View accepts structured data:

flt_neg_reset = data.View(float32_layout, reset={"sign": 1})

This structured data is internally turned into an integer constant that is supplied to Signal(reset=). This mechanism is not exposed to Amaranth developers. However, this creates a clear unmet need, since at the moment there is no way to turn a layout and a field-to-value mapping into a constant integer for use elsewhere.

For example, if a signal is created manually and not through the View, this will not work despite looking reasonable (the layout is shape-castable and can be supplied to Signal):

flt_neg_reset_signal = Signal(float32_layout, reset={"sign": 1})

Guide-level explanation

Shape-castable objects must, in addition to the mandatory .as_shape() method, implement a mandatory .const(value) method to define how a constant initializer (the reset value of a Signal or View) is converted to an Amaranth constant.

This method is defined by shape-castable objects to convert arbitrary Python objects into Amaranth constants. For example, if a shape-castable object has complex internal structure, it can accept a dictionary with the values to be filled into various bits of this structure. If Shape implemented ShapeCastable, the method would be defined as def const(self, value): return Const(value, self).

The value returned by this method can be a Const or a value-castable object whose .as_value() will return a Const.

This method can also be directly called by the developer to construct a constant using a given shape-castable object.

Reference-level explanation

A method def const(self, obj): is added on ShapeCastable.

The Signal(shape, reset=) constructor is changed so that if isinstance(shape, ShapeCastable), then shape.const(reset) is used instead of reset.

The .const() instance method is implemented on Layout to accept a Sequence or Mapping instance and returns a View over a Const with a bit pattern that has the fields set to the given values. Overlapping fields are written in the order of iteration of the input. If the field shape is a shape-castable object, then the value for that field is computed using Const.cast(value, field.shape).

The .const() method is implemented on the metaclass of Struct and Union as return View(self, self.as_shape().const(obj)).

The View(..., reset=) constructor is changed to pass reset through to the Signal() constructor.


  • Additional method on ShapeCastable.
    • It was clear from the beginning that this functionality will likely be necessary, and we are unlikely to ever add more.
  • The reset= argument becomes dependently typed.

Rationale and alternatives


class Point(Struct):
    x: 16
    y: 16

it is clear that there needs to be some way to go from {"x": 123, "y": 456} to Cat(C(123, 16), C(456, 16)) without manually writing out the concatenation.

There are two main options for this:

  1. Implement a new method, such that Point.const({"x": 123, "y": 456}) returns a constant of some kind (either an int or a Const or a constant-castable expression).
  2. Implement an additional .__init__() override, such that Point({"x": 123, "y": 456}) returns a view that has a constant-castable expression as its target.

Option (1) has the benefit of making it clear when downstream code is creating a constant (and expects an argument where the nested data must all be constant), and of minimizing useless wrapping/unwrapping of views that would otherwise happen. It is an explicit type conversion (from a literal to Const).

Option (2) avoids introducing new names. It is an implicit type conversion (from a literal to a view, which in this case is Point).

In the end, option (1) seems preferable here since implicit type conversions are easy to unintentionally misuse. It also avoids any clashes with proposed RFC 8.

Prior art


Unresolved questions


Future possibilities
