Unify the naming of MemoryMap resources and windows


  • Use a MemoryMap.Name class to represent resource and window names.
  • Assign window names in MemoryMap.add_window() instead of MemoryMap.__init__().


In a MemoryMap, resources (e.g. registers of a peripheral) and windows (nested memory maps) are added with similar methods: MemoryMap.add_resource() and .add_window().

However, their names are handled differently:

  • a resource name is a tuple of strings, assigned as a parameter to MemoryMap.add_resource().
  • a window name is a string, assigned at the creation of the window itself (as a parameter to MemoryMap.__init__()).

These differences add needless complexity to the API:

  • the name of a window is only relevant from the context of the memory map to which it is added.
  • window names may also benefit from being split into tuples, in order to let consumers of the memory map (such as a BSP generator) decide their format.

Additionally, support for integers in resource and window names is needed to represent indices. A BSP generator may choose to format them in a specific way (e.g. "foo[1]").

Guide-level explanation

Resource and window names are instances of MemoryMap.Name, a subclass of tuple which can only contain non-empty strings and non-negative integers.

Some examples:

>>> MemoryMap.Name(("rx", "status"))
Name('rx', 'status')
>>> MemoryMap.Name(("uart", 0))
Name('uart', 0)
>>> MemoryMap.Name(MemoryMap.Name(("uart", 0))
Name('uart', 0)
>>> MemoryMap.Name("foo")

Assigning resource names

The name of a resource is given by the name parameter of MemoryMap.add_resource(). For the sake of brevity, users can pass a tuple which is implicitly cast to a MemoryMap.Name.

This example shows how names are assigned to the registers of an UART peripheral:

from amaranth import *
from amaranth.lib import wiring
from amaranth.lib.wiring import In, Out

from amaranth_soc import csr
from amaranth_soc.memory import MemoryMap

class UART(wiring.Component):
    class RxConfig(csr.Register, access="rw"):
        enable: csr.Field(csr.action.RW, 1)

    class RxStatus(csr.Register, access="rw"):
        ready: csr.Field(csr.action.R,    1)
        error: csr.Field(csr.action.RW1C, 1)

    class RxData(csr.Register, access="r"):
        def __init__(self):
            super().__init__(csr.Field(csr.action.R, 8))

    csr_bus: In(csr.Signature(addr_width=10, data_width=32))

    def __init__(self):

        memory_map = MemoryMap(addr_width=10, data_width=32)
        memory_map.add_resource(self.RxConfig(), size=1, name=("rx", "config"))
        memory_map.add_resource(self.RxStatus(), size=1, name=MemoryMap.Name(("rx", "status")))
        memory_map.add_resource(self.RxData(),   size=1, name=("rx", "data"))

        self.csr_bus.memory_map = memory_map

    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        # ...
        return m

Assigning window names

Similarly, the name of a window is given by the name parameter of MemoryMap.add_window(). Unlike resource names, window names are optional.

This example shows how names are assigned to two UART peripherals, as their memory maps are added as windows to a bus decoder memory map:

class Decoder(wiring.Component):
    csr_bus: In(csr.Signature(addr_width=20, data_width=32))

    def __init__(self):
        self._subs = dict()
        self.csr_bus.memory_map = MemoryMap(addr_width=20, data_width=32)

    def add(self, sub_bus, *, name=None, addr=None):
        self._subs[sub_bus.memory_map] = sub_bus
        return self.csr_bus.memory_map.add_window(sub_bus.memory_map, name=name, addr=addr)

    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

        with m.Switch(self.csr_bus.addr):
            for window, name, (pattern, ratio) in self.csr_bus.memory_map.window_patterns():
                sub_bus = self._subs[window]
                with m.Case(pattern):
                    pass # ... drive the subordinate bus interface

        return m

uart_0 = UART()
uart_1 = UART()

decoder = Decoder()
decoder.add(uart_0.csr_bus, name=("uart", 0))
decoder.add(uart_1.csr_bus, name=MemoryMap.Name(("uart", 1)))

In a MemoryMap hierarchy, each resource is identified by a path. The path of a resource is a tuple ending with its name, preceded by the name of each window that contains it:

>>> for res_info in decoder.csr_bus.memory_map.all_resources():
...     print(res_info.path)
(Name('uart', 0), Name('rx', 'config'))
(Name('uart', 0), Name('rx', 'status'))
(Name('uart', 0), Name('rx', 'data'))
(Name('uart', 1), Name('rx', 'config'))
(Name('uart', 1), Name('rx', 'status'))
(Name('uart', 1), Name('rx', 'data'))

Reference-level explanation

The following changes to the amaranth_soc.memory module are made:

  • Add a MemoryMap.Name(name, /) class. It is a subclass of tuple, where:

    • name must either be a string or a tuple of strings and non-negative integers. If name is a string, it is implicitly converted to (name,).
  • The following changes to MemoryMap are made:

    • The optional name parameter of MemoryMap() is removed.
    • The MemoryMap.name property is removed.
    • The name parameter of MemoryMap.add_resource() must be a MemoryMap.Name.
    • An optional name parameter is added to MemoryMap.add_window(), which must be a MemoryMap.Name.
    • The yield values of MemoryMap.windows() are changed to window, name, (start, end, ratio).
    • The yield values of MemoryMap.window_patterns() are changed to window, name, (pattern, ratio).
  • The following changes to ResourceInfo are made:

    • The path parameter of ResourceInfo() must be a tuple of MemoryMap.Name objects.

As a consequence of this proposal, the following changes are made to other modules:

  • amaranth_soc.csr.bus and amaranth_soc.wishbone.bus:

    • The optional name parameter of Decoder() is moved to Decoder.add().
  • amaranth_soc.csr.reg:

    • The optional name parameter of Builder() is removed.
  • amaranth_soc.csr.wishbone:

    • The optional name parameter of WishboneCSRBridge() is assigned to csr_bus.memory_map (instead of wb_bus.memory_map).


  • This will break codebases that make use of window names.

Rationale and alternatives

  • Providing a MemoryMap.Name class for resource and window names facilitates their validation and documentation.
    • Alternative #1: do not add a class, and use standard tuples instead. Names will have to be validated by other means.
    • Alternative #2: use MemoryMap.Name for resource names only. Window names remain limited to strings.

Prior art

  • Resource names became tuples of strings as a consequence of RFC 16. However, array indices defined with csr.Builder.Index() were cast to strings when .as_memory_map() was called.

Resolved questions

  • Should we require the presence of at least one string in MemoryMap.Name ?
    • Empty names are forbidden and transparent windows (i.e. without names) must use None instead. Further validation is deferred to consumers of the memory map (e.g. a BSP generator).
  • Should we specify the order between strings and integers ? In csr.Builder, array indices precede cluster and register names (e.g. ('bar', 0, 'foo') could be formatted as "bar.foo[0]").
    • No, this decision is left out to consumers of the memory map. They may interpret a name differently depending on what it is assigned to.

Future possibilities
