Enumeration type safety


Make Amaranth Enum and Flag use a custom ValueCastable view class, enforcing type safety.


Python Enum provides an opaque wrapper over the underlying enum values, providing type safety and guarding against improper usage in arithmetic operations:

>>> from enum import Enum
>>> class EnumA(Enum):
...     A = 0
...     B = 1
>>> EnumA.A + 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'EnumA' and 'int'

Likewise, Flag values can be used in bitwise operations, but only within their own type:

>>> from enum import Flag
>>> class FlagA(Flag):
...     A = 1
...     B = 2
>>> class FlagB(Flag):
...     C = 1
...     D = 2
>>> FlagA.A | FlagA.B
<FlagA.A|B: 3>
>>> FlagA.A | FlagB.C
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'FlagA' and 'FlagB'

However, these safety properties are not currently enforced by Amaranth on enum-typed signals:

>>> from amaranth import *
>>> from amaranth.lib.enum import *
>>> class FlagA(Flag):
...     A = 1
...     B = 2
>>> class FlagB(Flag):
...     C = 1
...     D = 2
>>> a = Signal(FlagA)
>>> b = Signal(FlagB)
>>> a | b
(| (sig a) (sig b))

Guide-level explanation

Like in Python, Enum and Flag subclasses are considered strongly-typed, while IntEnum and IntFlag are weakly-typed. Enum-typed Amaranth values with strong typing are manipulated through amaranth.lib.enum.EnumView and amaranth.lib.enum.FlagView classes, which wrap an underlying Value in a type-safe container that only allows a small subset of operations. For weakly-typed enums, Value is used directly, providing full interchangeability with other values.

An EnumView or a FlagView can be obtained by:

  • Creating an enum-typed signal (a = Signal(MyEnum))
  • Explicitly casting a value to the enum type (MyEnum(value))

The operations available on EnumView and FlagView include:

  • Comparing for equality to another view of the same enum type (a == b and a != b)
  • Assigning to or from a value
  • Converting to a plain value via Value.cast

The operations additionally available on FlagView include:

  • Binary bitwise operations with another FlagView of the same type (a | b, a & b, a ^ b)
  • Bitwise inversion (~a)

A custom subclass of EnumView or FlagView can be used for a given enum type if so desired, by using the view_class keyword parameter on enum creation.

Reference-level explanation

amaranth.lib.enum.EnumView is a ValueCastable subclass. The following operations are defined on it:

  • EnumView(enum, value_castable): creates the view
  • shape(): returns the underlying enum
  • as_value(): returns the underlying value
  • eq(value_castable): delegates to eq on the underlying value
  • __eq__ and __ne__: if the other argument is an EnumView of the same enum type or a value of the enum type, delegates to the corresponding Value operator; otherwise, raises a TypeError
  • All binary arithmetic, bitwise, and remaining comparison operators: raise a TypeError (to override the implementation provided by Value in case of an operation between EnumView and Value)

amaranth.lib.enum.FlagView is a subclass of EnumView. The following additional operations are defined on it:

  • __and__, __or__, __xor__: if the other argument is a FlagView of the same enum type or a value of the enum type, delegates to the corresponding Value operator and wraps the result in FlagView; otherwise, raises a TypeError
  • __invert__: inverts all bits in this value corresponding to actually defined flags in the underlying enum type, then wraps the result in FlagView

The behavior of EnumMeta.__call__ when called on a value-castable is changed as follows:

  • If the enum has been created with a view_class, the value-castable is wrapped in the given class
  • Otherwise, if the enum type is a subclass of IntEnum or IntFlag, the value-castable is returned as a plain Value
  • Otherwise, if the enum type is a subclass of Flag, the value-castable is wrapped in FlagView
  • Otherwise, the value-castable is wrapped in EnumView

The behavior of EnumMeta.const is modified to go through the same logic.


This proposal increases language complexity, and is not consistent with eg. how amaranth.lib.data.View operates (which has much more lax type checking).

Rationale and alternatives

Do nothing. Operations on mismatched types will continue to be silently allowed.

Equality could work more like Python equality (always returning false for mismatched types).

Assignment could be made strongly-typed as well (with corresponding hook added to Value).

Prior art

This feature directly parallels the differences between Python's Enum/Flag and IntEnum/IntFlag.

Unresolved questions

Instead of having an extension point via view_class, we could instead automatically forward all otherwise unknown methods to the underlying enum class, providing it the EnumView as self.

Future possibilities
