Add amaranth.hdl.Choice, a pattern-based Value multiplexer


A new type of expression is added: amaranth.hdl.Choice. It is essentially a variant of m.Switch that returns a Value using the same patterns as m.Case for selection.


We currently have several multiplexer primitives:

  • Mux, selecting from two values
  • Array indexing, selecting from multiple values by a simple index
  • .bit_select and .word_select, selecting from slices of a single value by a simple index
  • m.Switch together with combinatorial assignment to an intermediate Signal, selecting from multiple values by pattern matching

It is, however, not possible to select from multiple values by pattern matching without using an intermediate Signal and assignment (which can be a problem in contexts where a Module is not available). This RFC aims to close this hole.

This feature is generally useful and has been on the roadmap for a while. The immediate impulse for writing this RFC was using this functionality to implement string formatting for lib.enum values.

Guide-level explanation

The Choice expression can be used to select from among several values via pattern matching:

abc = Signal(8)
a = Signal(8)
b = Signal(8)
sel = Signal(4)
m.d.comb += abc.eq(Choice(sel)
    # any pattern or tuple of patterns usable in `Value.matches` or `m.Case` is valid as key
    .case(1, a)
    .case(2, b)
    .case((3, 4), a + b)
    .case("11--",  a - b)
    .case(("10--", "011-"), a * b)

is equivalent to writing:

with m.Switch(sel):
    with m.Case(1):
        m.d.comb += abc.eq(a)
    with m.Case(2):
        m.d.comb += abc.eq(b)
    with m.Case(3, 4):
        m.d.comb += abc.eq(a + b)
    with m.Case("11--"):
        m.d.comb += abc.eq(a - b)
    with m.Case("10--", "011-"):
        m.d.comb += abc.eq(a * b)
    with m.Default():
        m.d.comb += abc.eq(13)

Choice can also be used on the left-hand side of an assignment:

a = Signal(8)
b = Signal(8)
c = Signal(8)
d = Signal(8)
sel = Signal(2)
m.d.sync += (Choice(sel)
    .case(0, a)
    .case(1, b)
    .case(2, c)

which is equivalent to:

with m.Switch(sel):
    with m.Case(0):
        m.d.sync += a.eq(0)
    with m.Case(1):
        m.d.sync += b.eq(0)
    with m.Case(2):
        m.d.sync += c.eq(0)
    with m.Default():
        m.d.sync += d.eq(0)

If default= is not used, the default value is 0 when on right-hand side, and no assignment happens when on left-hand side.

In addition, Mux becomes assignable if the second and third argument are both assignable.

Reference-level explanation

A new expression type is added:

  • amaranth.hdl.Choice(sel: ValueLike): creates a new Choice expression with no cases
    • .case(self, patterns: int | str | tuple[int | str], value: ValueLike) -> Choice: creates a new Choice based on this one, adding anoter case to it
    • .default(self, value: ValueLike) -> Choice: creates a new Choice based on this one, adding a default case to it

The expression evaluates sel, then matches it to patterns of every .case() in turn. If a match is found, the expression evaluates to the corresponding value of the first found match. If no match is found, the expression evaluates to the value of .default(), or to Cat() with no arguments if no .default() was used. The expression is assignable if all .case() values and .default() value (if any) are assignable.

Neither .case() nor .default() can be called on a Choice that already has a .default().

The shape of the expression is determined as follows:

  • if all value arguments are ShapeCastable, and it is the same ShapeCastable for all of them (as determined by __eq__ on the ShapeCastable), the resulting value is transformed through ShapeCastable.__call__ of that shape-castable
  • if all value arguments have a plain Shape, the minimum shape that can represent the shapes of all cases values and default (ie. determined the same as for Array proxy or Mux tree).
  • otherwise, an exception is raised

The default when .default() is not specified is Cat() to ensure the correct semantics for assignment (ie. discarding the assigned value). This also happens to provide the default 0 when on right-hand side.

Choice is also added to the Amaranth prelude.

In addition, the existing Mux expression is made valid on the left-hand side of an assignment, as if it was lowered as follows:

def Mux(sel, val1, val0):
    return Choice(sel).case(0, val0).default(val1)

ArrayProxy (ie. the type currently returned by Array indexing) is changed from a native Value to a ValueCastable that lowers to Choice (removing the odd case where we can currently build an invaid Value). To avoid problems with lowering the out-of-bounds case, the value returned for out-of-bounds Array accesses is changed to 0.

__eq__ is added to the ShapeCastable protocol and documented (we already have suitable implementations in and lib.enum).


The language gets slightly more complex.

Rationale and alternatives

The core functionality is fairly obvious. However, the syntax is not. Other possibilities include:

  • *args (or perhaps iterable) of (key, value) tuples:

        (1, a),
        (2, b),
        ((3, 4), c),
        ("11--", d),
  • *args of newly-defined amaranth.hdl.Case object (not to be confused with m.Case):

        Case(1, a),
        Case(2, b),
        Case((3, 4), c),
        Case("11--", d),

The syntax proposed has been selected to have extension space (in the form of keyword arguments) for e.g. optional guard conditions.

Prior art

This feature is inspired by Rust match construct.

Unresolved questions

The name is subject to bikeshed. An obvious alternative is Match, though this RFC avoids using this name, as it suggests much more advanced pattern matching (with variable capture) than is currently available.

Future possibilities

Optional guard conditions could be added to Choice and m.Switch cases (like Rust's if guards on match branches).