Change semantics of no-argument m.Case()


Change the semantics of with m.Case(): (without any arguments) from always-true conditional to always-false conditional. Likewise, change value.matches() from returning C(1) to returning C(0).


Currently, with m.Case(): results in an always-true conditional, and value.matches() likewise returns a const-1 value. However, this is not consistent with what would be expected from extrapolating the non-empty case.

In all non-empty cases, the semantics are equivalent to an OR of equality comparisons with all specified values:

value.matches(1, 2, 3) =def= (value == 1) | (value == 2) | (value == 3)

value.matches(1, 2, 3) =def= Const(0) | (value == 1) | (value == 2) | (value == 3)

Extrapolating from this, one would expect value.matches() to be the empty OR, ie. Const(0).

It is unlikely that any manually written code will rely on this, but this can be a dangerous trap for machine-generated code that doesn't take the empty case into account.

Guide-level explanation

The semantics of m.Case() change from always matching to never matching. Likewise, the semantics of value.matches() change from always-1 to always-0. The change is committed to the current main branch and will be included in Amaranth 0.5.

Amaranth 0.4.1 is released with the old semantics, but a deprecation warning is emitted whenever m.Case() or value.matches() is used.

Reference-level explanation

See above.


Obviously backwards-incompatible, changes the semantics of a language construct to the direct opposite.

Rationale and alternatives

It is unlikely anyone actually uses value.matches() directly, since this is just a constant. For generated code, the current semantics is much more likely to be a bug that intended behavior.

For m.Case() the situation is similar: it is redundant with m.Default(), which should be used instead. It is somewhat possible that there is code out there written by someone who didn't know about m.Default() and ended up using m.Case() instead (the official documentation didn't include either for a long time). This code will need to be fixed.

An alternative, if the empty case is deemed too confusing or insufficiently useful, is to make the semantics a hard error instead.

Prior art

The current behavior is likely taken directly from RTLIL, which exhibits a similar inconsistency.

Unresolved questions

Should we include more warnings about the change? This RFC proposes a warning in the 0.4.1 release, but this will never be seen by someone always using amaranth from git main.

Future possibilities
