Testbench processes for the simulator

Amendments This RFC was amended on 2024-02-12 to deprecate add_sync_process rather than add_process, for two reasons:

  1. add_process encompasses anything add_sync_process can do, but there is functionality that is quite difficult to do with add_sync_process, such as behavioral implementation of a DDR flop.
  2. add_sync_process relies on argument-less yield, which has no equivalent with await ... syntax that is desired in the future.


The existing Simulator.add_sync_process method causes the process function to observe the design in a state before combinational settling, something that is actively unhelpful in testbenches. A new Simulator.add_testbench method will only return control to the process function after combinational settling.


Consider the following code:

from amaranth import *
from amaranth.sim import Simulator

class DUT(Elaboratable):
    def __init__(self):
        self.out  = Signal()
        self.outn = Signal()

    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        m.d.sync += self.outn.eq(~self.out)
        return m

dut = DUT()
def testbench():
    yield dut.out.eq(1)
    print((yield dut.out))
    print((yield dut.outn))

sim = Simulator(dut)

This code prints:


While this result is sensible in a behavioral implementation of an elaboratable (where observing the state of the outputs of combinational cells before they transition to the new state is required for such an implementation to function as a drop-in replacement for a register transfer level one), it is not something a testbench should ever print; it clearly contradicts the netlist. Because there are no alternatives to using add_sync_process, testbenches (where such result is completely inappropriate) keep using it, and Amaranth designers are left to sprinkle yield over the testbenches until the result works.

In addition to the direct impact of this issue, it also prevents building reusable abstractions, including something as simple as yield from fifo.read(), since in order to work for back-to-back reads that would first have to yield Settle() to observe the updated value of fifo.r_rdy, which isn't appropriate for a function in the standard library as it changes the observable behavior (and thus breaks the abstraction).

Guide-level explanation

The code example above is rewritten as:

dut = DUT()
def testbench():
    yield dut.out.eq(1)
    yield Tick()
    print((yield dut.out))
    print((yield dut.outn))

sim = Simulator(dut)

When run, it prints:


Existing testbenches can be ported to use Simulator.add_testbench by removing extraneous yield or yield Settle() calls (and, in some cases, shifting other yield calls around).

Reusable abstractions can be built by defining generator functions on interfaces or components.

Guidance on simulator modalities

There are two main simulator modalities: add_testbench and add_process. They have completely disjoint purposes:

  • add_testbench is used for testing logic (asynchronous or synchronous). It is not used for behavioral replacement of synchronous logic.
  • add_process is used for behavioral replacement of synchronous logic. It is not for testing logic (except for legacy code), and a deprecation warning is shown when yield Settle() is executed in such a process.

Example of using add_testbench to test combinatorial logic:

m = Module()
m.d.comb += a.eq(~b)

def testbench():
    yield b.eq(1)
    print((yield a)) # => 0

sim = Simulator(m)
# No clock is required

Example of using add_testbench to test synchronous logic:

m = Module()
m.d.sync += a.eq(~b)

def testbench():
    yield b.eq(1)
    yield Tick() # same as Tick("sync")
    print((yield a)) # => 0

sim = Simulator(m)

Example of using add_process to replace the flop above, and add_testbench to test the flop:

m = Module()

def flop():
    while True:
        yield b.eq(~(yield a))
        yield Tick()

def testbench():
    yield b.eq(1)
    yield Tick() # same as Tick("sync")
    print((yield a)) # => 0

sim = Simulator(m)

Why not replace add_process with add_testbench entirely?

It is not possible to use add_testbench processes that drive signals in a race-free way. Consider this (behaviorally defined) circuit:

x = Signal(reset=1)
y = Signal()

def proc_flop():
    yield Tick()
    yield y.eq(x)

def proc2():
    yield Tick()
    xv = yield x
    yv = yield y
    print(f"proc2 x={xv} y={yv}")

def proc3():
    yield Tick()
    yv = yield y
    xv = yield x
    print(f"proc3 x={xv} y={yv}")

If these processes are added using add_testbench, the output is:

proc3 x=1 y=0
proc2 x=1 y=1

If they are added using add_process, the output is:

proc2 x=1 y=0
proc3 x=1 y=0

Clearly, if proc2 and proc3 are other flops in the circuit, perhaps performing a computation on x and y, they must be simulated using add_process.

Reference-level explanation

A new Simulator.add_testbench(process) is added. This function schedules process similarly to add_process, except that before returning control to the coroutine process it performs the equivalent of yield Settle().

add_sync_process and Settle are deprecated and removed in a future version.


  • Churn.
  • Testbench processes can race with each other, and it is not trivial to use multiple testbench processes in a design in a race-free way.
    • Processes using Settle can race as well.

Rationale and alternatives

The motivating issue has no known alternative resolution besides introducing this (or a very similar) API. The status quo has proved deeply unsatisfactory over many years, and the add_testbench process has been trialed in 2020 and found usable.

Prior art

Other simulators experience similar challenges with event scheduling. In Verilog, this is one of the reasons for the use of blocking assignment =. Where the decision of the scheduling primitive is left to the point of use (rather than the point of declaration, as proposed in this RFC) it leads to complexity in teaching the concept.

Unresolved questions


Future possibilities

In the standard library, fifo.read() and fifo.write() functions could be defined that aid in testing designs with FIFOs. Such functions will only work correctly within testbench processes.

As it is, every such helper function would have to take a domain argument, which can quickly get out of hand. We have DomainRenamer in the RTL sub-language and we may want to have something like that in the simulation sub-language. (@zyp)

A new add_comb_process function could be added, to replace combinatorial logic. This function would have to accept a list of all signals driven by the process, so that combinatorial loops could be detected. (The demand for this has not been high; as of right now, this is not possible anyway.)

The existing add_process function could accept a list of all signals driven by the process. This could aid in error detection, especially as CXXRTL is integrated into the design, because if a simulator process is driving a signal at the same time as an RTL process, a silent race condition occurs.