GPIO peripheral RFC


Add a SoC peripheral to control GPIO pins.


GPIOs are useful for a wide range of scenarios, such as driving external circuitry or acting as fallback for unimplemented/misbehaving peripherals in early iterations of a design.

Amaranth SoC seems like an appropriate place for a GPIO peripheral, which depends on features that are already provided by the library. Due to its relative simplicity, it is also a good candidate for using the recent CSR register API in realistic conditions.

Guide-level explanation


from amaranth import *
from amaranth.lib import wiring
from amaranth.lib.wiring import connect

from amaranth_soc import csr
from amaranth_soc import gpio

class MySoC(wiring.Component):
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

        # ...

        # Use a GPIO peripheral to control four LEDs:

        m.submodules.led_gpio = led_gpio = gpio.Peripheral(pin_count=4, addr_width=8, data_width=8)

        for n in range(4):
            connect(m, led_gpio.pins[n], platform.request("led", n, dir="io"))

        # Add the peripheral to a CSR bus decoder:

        m.submodules.csr_decoder = csr_decoder = csr.Decoder(addr_width=31, data_width=8)

        csr_decoder.add(led_gpio.bus, addr=0x1000)

        # ...

        return m


The following figure is a simplified diagram of the peripheral. CSR registers are on the left-hand side, a single pin is on the right side:


Mode (read/write)

         {name: 'pin_0', bits: 2, attr: 'RW'},
         {name: 'pin_1', bits: 2, attr: 'RW'},
         {name: 'pin_2', bits: 2, attr: 'RW'},
         {name: 'pin_3', bits: 2, attr: 'RW'},
     ], {bits: 8})

Each Mode.pin_x field can hold the following values:

class Mode(enum.Enum, shape=unsigned(2)):
    INPUT_ONLY = 0b00
    PUSH_PULL  = 0b01
    OPEN_DRAIN = 0b10
    ALTERNATE  = 0b11

Each Mode.pin_x field resets to INPUT_ONLY.

If Mode.pin_x is INPUT_ONLY:

  • pins[x].oe is 0.
  • pins[x].o is connected to Output.pin_x.
  • Input.pin_x is connected to pins[x].i.
  • alt_mode[x] is 0.

If Mode.pin_x is PUSH_PULL:

  • pins[x].oe is 1.
  • pins[x].o is conencted to Output.pin_x.
  • Input.pin_x is connected to pins[x].i.
  • alt_mode[x] is 0.

If Mode.pin_x is OPEN_DRAIN:

  • pins[x].oe is connected to ~Output.pin_x.
  • pins[x].o is 0.
  • Input.pin_x is connected to pins[x].i.
  • alt_mode[x] is 0.

If Mode.pin_x is ALTERNATE:

  • pins[x].oe is 0.
  • pins[x].o is connected to Output.pin_x.
  • Input.pin_x is connected to pins[x].i.
  • alt_mode[x] is 1.

When alt_mode[x] is 1, a component connected to the GPIO peripheral (such as a pin multiplexer) may assign implementation-specific functions to Input.pin_x and Output.pin_x.

Input (read-only)

         {name: 'pin_0', bits: 1, attr: 'R'},
         {name: 'pin_1', bits: 1, attr: 'R'},
         {name: 'pin_2', bits: 1, attr: 'R'},
         {name: 'pin_3', bits: 1, attr: 'R'},
     ], {bits: 4})

The number of synchronization stages between pins[x].i and Input.pin_x is defined by the input_stages parameter, which defaults to 2. Synchronization is done on rising edges of ClockSignal("sync").

Output (read/write)

         {name: 'pin_0', bits: 1, attr: 'RW'},
         {name: 'pin_1', bits: 1, attr: 'RW'},
         {name: 'pin_2', bits: 1, attr: 'RW'},
         {name: 'pin_3', bits: 1, attr: 'RW'},
     ], {bits: 4})

Each Output.pin_x field resets to 0.

SetClr (write-only)

         {name: 'pin_0', bits: 2, attr: 'W'},
         {name: 'pin_1', bits: 2, attr: 'W'},
         {name: 'pin_2', bits: 2, attr: 'W'},
         {name: 'pin_3', bits: 2, attr: 'W'},
     ], {bits: 8})

  • Writing 0b01 to SetClr.pin_x sets Output.pin_x.
  • Writing 0b10 to SetClr.pin_x clears Output.pin_x.
  • Writing 0b00 or 0b11 to SetClr.pin_x has no effect.

Reference-level explanation


The gpio.PinSignature class is a wiring.Signature describing the interface between the GPIO peripheral and a single pin.

The members of a gpio.PinSignature are defined as follows:

    "i": In(unsigned(1)),
    "o": Out(unsigned(1)),
    "oe": Out(unsigned(1)),


The gpio.Peripheral class is a wiring.Component implementing a GPIO controller, with:

  • a .__init__(self, *, pin_count, addr_width, data_width, name=None, input_stages=2) constructor, where:
    • pin_count is a non-negative integer.
    • input_stages is a non-negative integer.
    • addr_width, data_width and name are passed to a csr.Builder
  • a .signature property, that returns a wiring.Signature with the following members:
    "bus": In(csr.Signature(addr_width, data_width)),
    "pins": Out(gpio.PinSignature()).array(pin_count),
    "alt_mode": Out(unsigned(pin_count)),
  • a .elaborate(self, platform) method, that connects each pin in self.pins to its associated fields in the registers exposed by self.bus.


While existing implementations (such as STM32 GPIOs) have features like pin multiplexing and configurable pull-up/down resistors, in the proposed design, those would have to be implemented in a separate component.

Rationale and alternatives

The proposed design moves platform-specific details outside of its scope, which:

  • reduces the amount of non-portable code to maintain, while allowing implementation freedom for users needing it.
  • avoids introducing dependencies on upstream APIs that are deprecated or expected to evolve soon (such as

As an alternative:

  • do not host any peripheral in amaranth-soc and always develop them downstream.
  • include a pin multiplexer inside the GPIO peripheral.

Prior art

While they can be found in most microcontollers, the design of GPIOs in STM32 has inspired part of this RFC.

Unresolved questions

  • Should we support synchronizing a pin input on falling edges of the clock ? (@whitequark) Users can synchronize pin inputs on falling edges by instantiating a gpio.Peripheral with input_stages=0, and providing their own synchronization mechanism.

  • What is our policy for backward-compatible extensions of the peripheral ? (@whitequark) If or when we add registers for new optional features, such as pull-ups, switchable schmitt triggers, switchable output driver strengths, etc, each register will always reside at the same fixed (for a given pin count) address regardless of which features are enabled, and each of these registers will be all-0s after reset, where such all-0s value will provide behavior identical to the behavior of the peripheral without the optional feature. Slots in the address space will never be reallocated with a different meaning once allocated upstream in Amaranth SoC.

    • This will be important to industry users caring about forward and cross-family/cross-configuration compatibility.
    • In a perfect world this would be our policy for every peripheral. Realistically, we'll only be able to provide this strongest guarantee for only a subset of peripherals.

Future possibilities

  • Implement a pin multiplexer peripheral, that can be composed with this one to allow reusing other pins of a SoC as GPIOs.
  • Add support for interrupts.


@whitequark and @tpwrules provided valuable feedback while this RFC was being drafted.